Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Food #3 - Food Cultures - Home & Corporate

At home, my family always tries to keep our Spanish culture alive. We cook Spanish dishes from their home country.

In my house, you will see the females in the kitchen while the men prepare the table. A dinner will take about an hour to two hours, depending on the type of food we are making. Our food consists of a lot of food seasonings and oil. For example, the pork is filled with different seasonings and put in the oven for hours, this when there is a big group of people coming to the house. When it is just my mother my brother and I at home, we eat your basic white boiled rice with some type of meat and any kind of beans. My mother has tried to change out diet by always adding greens to our dinner and even trying to convince us to eat more fruits during the day. When we are at the table, it consists of my mother, my father, my brother and I. We tend to sit together at every dinner because it is like our only time to really bond. We watch television and talk about our days while we eat.

Since I was born and raised in the United States I have gotten accustomed to the American food. I tend to eat a lot of fast food when I am not in my house. From pizza to burgers, most of the things around me and where I live are just foods that are easy to get your hands on. I think that the white people on the other hand in the U.S mainstream make food very different from the way my Spanish culture makes it. They make things that are already cooked which can put heated in the microwave. They also eat a lot of salads and use a lot of sauces for their food.

I find it better for all type of food to be cooked and homemade other than bought from the store or anything. I think that the Spanish culture is very different from any other culture becuase they do their foods in unique ways.

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