Monday, February 9, 2009


Social interactions/Old People

1. Who do you mostly interact with, people of your age or all ages?
2. Do you consider yourself very social?
3. Do you have many friends?
4. Would you say you are a lonely person? Why?
5. Do you have a family?
6. Do you go out often?
7. Are you married?
8. Do you live by yourself?
9. Do you take care of yourself or do you have others who take care of you? (my opinion:old people do not want to be a burden to others so they tend to be very grumpy and anti-social)
10. Do you have a best friend? If so what do you talk about when yoo're together?
11. How close are you to those you communicate with?
12. How much of the day do you spend on your own?
13. Do you travel a lot? If so, with whom? Family? friends?
14. How would you describe yourself?
15. If you have kids, how often do they check on you?
16. Who is the most imporant person in your life? Why?
17. Do you feel like you're invited into the multi-generation society?
18. Would you say that people like you as the person you are?
19. Do you consider yourself a nice person? Why or why not?

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