Sunday, February 8, 2009

LDH2BM Interviews

1. What would you like to accomplish in the future/before you die?
2. If you were to die right now, can you say you've lived a good and meaningful life?

Person 1

In the future I would like to travel to places I have never been to, I want to see new things that are out there, I've been stuck in the city for so long I want to be somewhere new. I want to live on my own and not have to bother others who have to take care of me and watch my every move. If I were to die now, I wouldn't be happy. I wouldn't feel like I lived a good and meaningful life because I never accomplished everything I wanted to, I haven't seen the good things in life.

Person 2

I don't have anything I would like to accomplish, I feel like my life has gone through good and bad times but I am grateful for everything that has happened. I've learned a lot as I have grown old so I would have to say if I were to die right now I can say my life has been very meaningful. I have a great family who love me and care for me so I have nothing to regret or feel bad for.

Person 3

I don't have anything I want to accomplish its more of what I would like to see in the future, I want there to be peace and tranquility in this world. I want to live my life without no worries. I don't want to rely on anyone for help, I would like to just take care of myself. If I were to doe now, I would die peacefully and happy. My life has been good to me I have nothing to complain about.

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