Monday, November 17, 2008

Dominant Corporate Messages

The main goal of dominant corporate messages is to tell us how to live life meaningfully. They come up with the most persuading words and ideas to make us believe their words are true. I can agree with this becuase I am in this society and I live my life by watching others live theirs and learn from their mistakes so that I don't repeat them. But there are some messages that just screw our heads up, all they're trying to do is make us "perfect". For example, they say we're all beautiful but if we use their products, we'll be even more beautiful and maybe even perfect in their eyes. From using products and materials that we see from advertisements and the media, we are brainwashed that it will work on us.

In the Women's Health magazine, the front cover is bascially the introduction to what you have to start to do to get your life together to live a good and meaningful life. This is to all the women, "The No-Diet Solution!FLATTEN YOUR BELLY IN TWO WEEKS!" this message tells women that in order to live a good and meaningful life you need to be slim and in shape. The extraordinary thing about this message is how the media is telling women that they can lose weight in a matter of two weeks. They send these ridiculous messages to get you to think that this actually works and that is it mandatory to look good in order to be glamorous. ( In the front cover of this magazine, there is a attractive Caucasian woman who is slim and famous. The point of this is fro young women and older women to have a model figure that they can look at when they are buying all these expensive products and materials to look JUST like them.

Another example is Teen Magazines, which are a big thing in this society. They are mainly pointed at teens. For girls the messages is to look beautiful and young and stay slim. For guys, the message is to be strong and fit to look good and attractive for girls. In Seventeen Magazine, they teach you about fashion, hair, skin & make-up, health, sex, dating, and careers. The way they view a good and meaningful life is looking perfect. There is no part in this magazine that I have seen that they say you must go to college and be intelligent. Basically all messages are telling you how to look good on the outside but they never seem to have ideas on your future-wise such as education and careers.

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