Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Day/ Black Friday

On Thanksgiving Day, my family each picked something we were going to make, I cooked the turkey, my mother cooked the pork a certain way which in Spanish we call it "pernil" and my bother made the BBQ chicken. We celebrated Thanksgiving like a "normal" family would, we waited until the rest of my family came so that we can eat. In my family we are supposed to pray before we eat, which is something we completely ignore by now but I guess something told them we HAD to pray on that specific day. So you can say, we only pray on specific occasions... as my father did a prayer I looked around the table as we were all holding hands and I felt as if it was pointless to pray for the food we were about to eat. When we started to eat, we just talked about random things in life, from funny experiments we had to what we were going to do the next day. POINTLESS.
I know you're suppose be thankful for all the little things you have on Thanksgiving Day but as we talked about in class and I listened to Andy's interesting reason for why people really celebrate it, I thought to myself maybe celebrating Thanksgiving is pointless, its just another day of us being on Earth, we don't have school or work and we cook a feast and stuff our faces. I mean that really doesn't seem that interesting when you think of it. But I guess Thanksgiving is a just day to forget all the bad in the world and focus on all the good things that may come. Thanksgiving Day would be looked as a marginal message because no one really worries about how much food they eat and how they look, just as long as you are with your family, everything is okay... which is something I am okay with.

On Black Friday, I didn't even think of going to buy anything at all especially from watching that video in Andy's class, but I went. My brother convinced me to go at 5:00am but we ended up going at 6:30am. It was my first time going to shop on a Black Friday. It was horrible, having so many people shoving and pushing you, was the last thing I wanted to have done to me especially at 6:30 in the morning. Lets put it this way I wanted to smack each and every person that was rushing to get to some item that would still be there by the time they got there. I guess it was my fault in picking Macy's as my first store to go to. I ended getting a couple of jeans and shirts which I did not get at Macy's because of the situation there, I ended up shopping in Union Square.
I was really shocked to see how poeple acted on this day. I was very pissed off to hear that there was a guy who was trampled to death in a Walmart store which sounds really stupid. It was an accident that could've been avoided. I just think that day was pretty chaotic and people acted like animals. There's really nothing more to say but that people in the U.S can be very unintelligent.

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